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By early May, Alabama's Medicaid program had already paid for $23,000 worth of Viagra prescriptions, and was beginning to fear the drug would overburden the program. Republican State Representative and Medicaid Oversight Committee leader Ron Johnson opposed his state’s move to revoke blanket coverage, responding to the AP: "The sex drive being what it is in some people, it may very well have a lot to do with the mental well-being of a person." viagra 50 mg price

Drug InteractionsA man needs to try the medicine at least four times before he concludes that it doesn’t work for him. It is unlikely that a man with diabetes who has other medical problems such as high blood pressure, is taking multiple medicines, and has not had sexual intercourse for several years will be able to have an erection adequate for intercourse the first time he takes a pill. Most men need to try the medicine several times before they have the desired results.

viagra prescription Eye disordersHowever, some men have persistent, or recurring, ED. It can occur at any age, but becomes more common with increasing age. About half of men between the ages of 40 and 70 have ED. About 7 in 10 men aged 70 and above have ED.Antifeminist spinmistress Camille Paglia affirmed Viagra as the greatest strengthener of modern manhood since the shotgun - "It's like the steel that they would get if they were at war," she told TIME. Entrenched beneath her misguided bluster, Paglia may finally be onto something: Viagra does speak to a war being waged over sexual health. But the real struggle - that over health care funding - is being fought on an economic battlefield and women, not men, are in need of ammunition.President Barack Obama had said that as a father of young girls, he personally was against the sale of the pill without restrictions to women under 17.

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